The Sirene Mermaid Collection
Welcome to Bling My Things, the home of exclusive handcrafted jewelry and Bitsy Bling Art Miniatures by SusanMarie. Here, every item is a piece of art, lovingly crafted to bring uniqueness to your collection and elegance to your style. Dive into our boutique for a truly unique shopping experience where each creation promises not only to adorn but also to inspire.
Each piece is a testament to creativity and craftsmanship, perfect for those who cherish unique, artisanal treasures.
Featured Products

Dollhouse -Princess Mermaid Bed
Dollhouse -Princess Mermaid Bed

*"If it's BLINGY it's my Thingy" MUG...~smz
*"If it's BLINGY it's my Thingy" MUG...~smz
Custom Art mug! ~ Bling it on!
Free til 12/1-digital download

E-BookOf Poetry “Bridges of Healing”
E-BookOf Poetry “Bridges of Healing”
Normally priced @ $18.